Harmonic minor scale
Harmonic minor scale

The tension in the dominant chord stems from the third degree of the dominant chord, which is a leading tone (7th degree) in the major scale.īy comparison, if we called the vi degree of a scale the I-parallel, then the iii would be a V-parallel. A dominant chord is one of the most useful, and functional chords around since it imbues lots of tension into a song, which is usually resolved by migration to the tonic chord. When we consider the major scale, and the chords that are native to that scale, we find that the fifth degree of the major scale builds the dominate chord (a major chord that is five degrees up from the tonic of the scale).


If you think you won’t understand the technical explanation, feel free to skip ahead to the easier explanation below.

harmonic minor scale

However that being said, I will still try. If you’ve been following along with our videos so far, then I will point out that at this point in our music theory journey, this can be a tough question to answer, because we don’t have the necessary language and understanding to get to the bottom of the question. This is really good ear training stuff to learn to recognize scale notes and analyzing melody.Why Is The Harmonic Minor Scale Important? (The Technical Explanation) If you got that down, sing the harmonic minor scale each time up a half step ascending and descending or even more challenging, sing it ascending and then up a half step descending, up a half step ascending, up a half step descending. Try to sing the harmonic minor scale ascending and descending and then sing the natural minor scale ascending and descending. – Learn to create and combine melody from the harmonic minor, natural minor and the minor pentatonic scale tastefully into your solos and improvisation. All the way to the 12th fret and back again. – A challenging exercise is to combine both harmonic minor scale and natural minor scale in one exercise: Play the harmonic minor scale ascending and then the natural minor scale descending, then go up a half step and play the natural minor scale ascending and the harmonic minor scale descending, go up a half step and play the harmonic minor scale ascending and then the natural minor scale descending, and so on. All the way up the 12th fret and then all way back again. – Play the scale ascending starting on the 2nd fret, then go up a half step and play the scale descending, go up a half step and play it ascending, up a half step and play the scale descending and so on. – Practice each scale in all keys starting on the 1st fret, each time moving up a half step all the way up to the 12th fret and back again. – Practice each scale ascending and descending using alternate picking technique. If you want to use the harmonic minor scale over a C7 chord you have to play F harmonic minor (C is the fifth of F).Īnother simple approach for those who are not familiar with music theory: Harmonic minor scale over a D7 chord? Go up 5 half steps (frets) from D = G and play G harmonic minor. The V7 (five-seventh) chord is built on the 5th degree of the scale (also known as the dominant), that means if you want to use the harmonic minor scale over (let’s say) an E7 chord you’ve got to play A harmonic minor, because E is the fifth of A. You can also apply the harmonic minor scale over a dominant 7th chord (V7).

harmonic minor scale harmonic minor scale

Playing a song in Em? Use the E harmonic minor scale and so on.

harmonic minor scale

The harmonic minor scale can be played over a minor chord, so if you’re playing a song or chord progression in the key of A minor you can use the A harmonic minor scale. You’re free to create your own combinations. In the key of A that would be: Am – Dm – E7.Īn example for jazz is a iim7b5-V7-i chord progression. These are not all chords that you will use in main stream pop, blues or rock music, but a common progression is i-iv-V7. We can also stack another third on top of each scale degree (3rd,5th and 7th) to extend the chords.ġ=minorMaj7, 2=minor7b5, b3=Maj7#5, 4=minor7, 5=dom7, b6=Maj7, 7=dim7.ĪmMaj7 – Bm7b5 – CMaj7#5 – Dm7 – E7 – FMaj7 – G#dim7. So if your playing in the key of A, you get the following chords: Here’s the formula for finding chords in a harmonic minor scale:ġ=minor, 2=diminished, b3=augmented, 4=minor, 5=major, b6=major, 7=dim.

Harmonic minor scale